Great Fen

Great Fen

Year: 2004, 2005

The Artists for Nature Foundation
Project of the Great Fen in England

The Great Fen

About The Great Fen

Two ground-breaking projects came together when the Artists for Nature Foundation visited the lowest place in England in 2004 and 2005. Inspired by the potential of lowland England's most ambitious habitat restoration project, the artists produced work that shows the riches that hang on in the remnants of fenland. These remnants will be enhanced as the Great Fen Project acquires more land and achieves its first objective of linking Woodwalton Fen and Holme Fen National Nature Reserves. This is a Jong-term project that will start to improve the ecological value, the landscape and the economy across an area of 37 square kilometres or more.

The work of 30 artists shows a variety of styles and a variety of topics, ranging across field sketches of birds and other animals, detailed botanical and entomological studies, landscapes that are instantly recognisable and landscapes that are almost abstract, sculptures using scrap metal found in the area, and transient paintings of dragonflies on bog oaks dug from the peat. Their artistic vision matches the vision that has inspired the Great Fen Project.


‘The Great Fen’
Artists for Nature in England

