ANF / EU project together with the university of Ljubljana

May / June 2022

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Biotechnology

Jamnikarjeva ulica 101, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The aim of the ‘Art Camp’ is to reach beside wildlife enthusiasts, other target groups and raise awareness about tourists’ opportunities created by large carnivore presence among the wider community.

With the help of external experts (ANF in this case), UL will develop an Art Camp in Slovenia embedding a group of international and regional environmental (Wildlife) artists into the lives of key stakeholders involved in human-wolf relationship.

Coordinated actions to improve wolf-human coexistence at the alpine population level.

The art camp will create a platform for dialogue among different groups within the local community (tourism workers, nature guides, local communities, artists, craftsman, farmers, foresters etc.)

Federico Gemma

ANF artists & staff coming to Slovenia:

  • Bruce Pearson, England, Vice president ANF
    (Preparation trip. May 2022)
  • Elwin van der Kolk, The Netherlands
  • Tim Wootton, Orkney Islands
  • Federico Gemma, Italy
  • Kókay Szabolcs, Hungary
  • Paschalis Dougalis, Greece
  • Klarisa Sipoš Slovenia
  • Ysbrand Brouwers, The Netherlands, Founder/ Director ANF

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