NEW PROJECT ANF – The Heartbeat and Lifeblood of an Alaskan Rainforest

”The Heartbeat and Lifeblood of an Alaskan Rainforest”

Artists for Nature Foundation/ Native Conservancy

Joint Project 2025 – 2027

Copper River Delta & Prince William Sound, Alaska

After an earlier project in the area 27 years ago, ANF has been asked by The Native Conservancy based in Cordova Alaska, to develop together with them a new project 2025 - 2027 (do see the short version of the Project proposal)

In September 2024, ANF’s founder/director Ysbrand Brouwers, ANF’s Vice President Bruce Pearson, and ANF’s press officer Renate Zöller, travelled to the area for 9 days, to prepare the upcoming project.

In the months to come, the Native Conservancy will try to get the funds needed from different potential donors in their network. The first visit with a few artists we plan for May 2025.

More news closer at the time!

”The Heartbeat and Lifeblood of an Alaskan Rainforest”

Download draft Project proposal - PDF >>

David Lynn Grimes, April Minnich and Dune Lankard, The 3 musketeers of the Native Conservancy, brothers in arms with ANF

ANF’s Vice president Bruce Pearson, sketching near Childs Glacier

Bonsai landscape above Cordova town near the ski area

Making Silver salmon fillets. Ysbrand Brouwers, Bruce Pearson, a N.C .volunteer and Eyak leader and Native Conservancy director, Dune Lankard. In the background lake front Eyak House.

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